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587 Pins
Cost Effective Dance Studio Marketing and Student Retention Plan
Cost Effective Dance Studio Marketing and Student Retention Plan #discountdance #dancestudio #marketing
Our School Classroom UPDATED
Instructions on how to make an Ant Farm for your AG Classroom. AG Design | Craft | Create: Our School Classroom UPDATED
Life Cycles Interactive Notebook
If your students love science and learning about life cycles this is perfect! Immerse your students in the life cycle of a butterfly, frog, flower and chicken. Best for first or second grade. #lifecycles #science
DIY Bird Nests
plastic wrap on inside of solid bowl; paint 50/50 glue/water over 1/4" strips of paper
Hatching Bird Spring Craft for Kids
Spring is the perfect season for learning all about birds and making bird crafts. This pop up bird craft is super easy for kids of all ages to create with our handy free template. After making the craft, toddlers and preschoolers get the added bonus of playing with the paper plate craft, watching as their bird pops up and hatches out of the egg in the nest. #iheartcraftythings
Montessori botany lesson: Flowers - Geodessee
Montessori Botany: Flowers - Geodessee The subject of countless poems and stories the world over flowers have been admired since the dawn of man. They enchant with their beauty, sweet fragrance, and vibrant colors. They help make nature a prismatic bliss to the senses. No lesson on botany would be complete without them. #montessori #botany #gardening #kidsactivities