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Understand Succulent Dormancy
Do you know which succulents go dormant, when and why? Learn all about succulent dormancy and how to recognize plants that are dormant - and how to care for them. Succulent dormancy chart included! #succuloents #succulentcare #succulentdormancy
Quelles plantes pour son jardin sec – idées et conseils utiles
How to Grow and Care for Japanese Maple Trees
Color, texture, balance, form, contrast – everything you could possibly want in a focal point for your landscape can be found in a Japanese maple. There are literally hundreds of cultivars to choose from so you’re sure to find a perfect fit. Learn how to grow, care, and nurture them now on Gardener's Path.
• M E C O D E S P E T O L A • ⁣
_____⁣ #smartplantcare for #mecodespetola / #jewelorchid⁣ ⁣ 🌃 Does well in shade or low light⁣ 🚿 Requires intense watering, and roots should never be allowed to dry⁣ 🔋Try using a high-nitrogen fertilizer about once per week⁣ 🌡️This plant loves warm temperatures and grows where the average is 82°F (28°C)⁣ ⁣ ⁣ 📷: @myhappyhouseplant ⁣
Prickly Pear goals! // Stunning image by @saratoufali // #pricklypear #homeiswheretheplantsare #plantgoals #cacti #cactusgoals #cactusclub #cactusgram