yoga therapy

281 Pins
Yoga Props for Backbends | Jason Crandell Vinyasa Yoga Method
Dhanurasana on a bolster
Yulia Grosheva (@yuliadimadeya) • Instagram photos and videos
Think beyond cat and cow
A Couples Yoga Routine Your Guy Will Actually Love
Supine Partner Spinal Twist - Hatha Yoga Poses for Couples - Shape Magazine
You'll Feel So Much Better After This Restorative Wall Yoga Sequence
Deeper Spinal Twist
A gem from @funwithprops after all last weeks concave work 💎 #forwardfold #urdhvamukhauttanasana with a #yogabelt #yogastrap to bring the spine in #tryiyengar #iyengaryoga #yoga
#salabhasana variation. Feet up on chair- increases backbend in low back and decreases effort. Hands interlaced behind head. Two 12 foot…
Yoga Adjustment for Shoulders in Downward Dog
Yoga Adjustment for Shoulders in Downward Dog
Hip Pain: Overcoming and Preventing It
hips are made level by the combined effort of the inner thigh of the back leg (with the help of the strap) creating lift and expansion and the grounding and extension through the front leg from the action of the gluteus medius. The end result is openness, strength, and stability in the hips. - Yoga International