Logopédia/ játékok

47 Pins
Cool Math Activity for Kids - Planning Playtime
Cup Equations Spinner Math Activity for Kids Rechnungen stecken, aufschreiben und rechnen
Conciencia fonologica
Tips and Tidbits: Easy Volume Control Chart Freebie (Chit Chat and Small Talk)
I posted a picture of this volume control chart on Instagram today (even though it is a little...
Quick and Easy Articulation Activities for Speech Therapists
Low-prep/no-prep articulation activities for kids! Find 12 quick & easy game ideas you can use with your students in speech therapy today!
Rainbow Pompom Race
Rainbow Pompom race! A fun hands on matching colors game for preschoolers!
El dragón que echa fuego (actividad para estimular modo respiratorio)
El dragón que echa fuego (actividad para estimular modo respiratorio) | Futuros Fonoaudiólogos
Huff and Puff Spelling! Therapy Activity of the Week
Huff and Puff Spelling! Therapy Activity of the Week- pinned by @PediaStaff – Please Visit ht.ly/63sNt for all our pediatric therapy pins