Bujo tavasz

83 Pins
@bujo_phil on Instagram: “[ad | because german laws 🙈] #81 #WeeklySpread by @bujo.kujo. Follow @bujo_phil for more 🌟 Bujo Inspiration 🌟. Please tag 🔊 me under your…”
Hi guys! Thank you for your nice feedback against my last drawing yesterday , it encouraged me a lot so then I will always post my new…
11 Monthly Cover Pages for your Bullet Journal
Bullet journal monthly cover June - itstartswithacoffee.com #bulletjournal #bulletjournaling #monthlyplanner #monthlycover #coverpages #June #bujo
Photo by @archerandolive . "It’s Friday!! Yay! Tomorrow is my 6 year anniversary (6 years?!) so tonight we’re leaving my son with his grandparents, and going downtown. I don’t talk much about my husband but I’m so lucky to have him. He’s incredibly supportive of everything I do, and I absolutely wouldn’t be where I am now without him. Right now his family is in town and it’s so funny to se show much my son is like them 💕. Happy Friday guys! . . . #crafttherainbow #
So happy with how this spread came out. Even though it's summer and everyone's doing bright colors, I really wanted to do some greenery.