
55 Pins
10K views · 752 reactions | DIY Libelle basteln 🦋❤️ Super einfach & macht Spaßl Du brauchst ✂️: Papier Strohhalm Wackelaugen Schere & Kleber Perfekt für Kinder & kreative Deko 😉🦋❤️🤗. Probier's aus & markiere mich, wenn du deine eigene Libelle bastelst! #bastelnmitnigora #bastelideen #bastelnmitpapier #bastelnmitkindern #bastelinspiration #craftsideas #diy #crafts #libelle #libellebasteln | Crafting with Nigora ✂️
10K views · 752 reactions | DIY Libelle basteln 🦋❤️ Super einfach & macht Spaßl Du brauchst ✂️: Papier Strohhalm Wackelaugen Schere & Kleber Perfekt für Kinder & kreative Deko 😉🦋❤️🤗. Probier's aus & markiere mich, wenn du deine eigene Libelle bastelst! #bastelnmitnigora #bastelideen #bastelnmitpapier #bastelnmitkindern #bastelinspiration #craftsideas #diy #crafts #libelle #libellebasteln | Crafting with Nigora ✂️
98K views · 1.2K reactions | ❤️ | By ‎أنشطة للأطفال‎ | Facebook
98K views · 1.2K reactions | ❤️ | By ‎أنشطة للأطفال‎ | Facebook
36M views · 322K reactions | Awesome Painting Hacks for Beginners | Creative Painting Tricks for Kids | By Activities For Kids | Everyone, here we are going to make this beautiful drawing. Let's get started. So you can tear this paper and give it shape of these mountains and then using crayons, draw the lines. Now you can use earbirds and make these beautiful trees, draw some birds and it's ready. Put colour on this leaf and stamp it on the paper and look how pretty this is look like using your fingers. You can draw a warm on the top of it. Draw the eyes and then the legs. You can also draw some more details and it's ready. Here we are going to use this tape and draw these semi circles on the top of the paper. We are drawing colourful umbrellas here. Let's colour it and look it can also add some raindrops and it's ready. Here we are going to make a very easy drawing. So take this bunch of ear pot and tap the colour on the sheet of paper. Draw the crown of the tree and using the ear pot. We are also drawing some grass and it's ready. Here we are going to trace lines around the fingers. We are drawing a dog here. Draw the eyes, nose and its pointy teeth. Let's colour it now and look your drawing is ready. You can use this tissue paper and put colour on the top of it. Now stamp it on the paper. Dab it properly and look your beautiful drawing is ready. We are drawing large trees here. Draw the junk and look it's done. Here we are going to use crayon and draw a beautiful drawing. As you can see we are going to mix two colours. After this we are also drawing the grass and some trees around the pathway and you can also add some pink leaves and look it's ready. Let's draw a fun drawing. So we are going to trace lines around hand. Put your hand on the sheet of paper. Let's colour it now. So we are using this green paint and then going to draw some clouds and it's raining. Let's use crayons and make a beautiful drawing. As you can see we are going to tray the paper and put paint like we are doing here. The mountains are ready. Similarly we are drawing the tree and some birds around the tree and look it's done. Take this polythin and then tie a knot. After this we are going to flip it and put the red paint on the top of it and stamp it on the paper. Your flowers are ready similarly. You can add some leaves around it and look up this is looking. Thank you so much for watching this video.
36M views · 322K reactions | Awesome Painting Hacks for Beginners | Creative Painting Tricks for Kids | By Activities For Kids | Everyone, here we are going to make this beautiful drawing. Let's get started. So you can tear this paper and give it shape of these mountains and then using crayons, draw the lines. Now you can use earbirds and make these beautiful trees, draw some birds and it's ready. Put colour on this leaf and stamp it on the paper and look how pretty this is look like using your fingers. You can draw a warm on the top of it. Draw the eyes and then the legs. You can also draw some more details and it's ready. Here we are going to use this tape and draw these semi circles on the top of the paper. We are drawing colourful umbrellas here. Let's colour it and look it can also ad
395K views · 4.9K reactions | ❤️ | أنشطة للأطفال
395K views · 4.9K reactions | ❤️ | أنشطة للأطفال
435K views · 3.9K reactions | Creative Diy Crafts Ideas 🤩 Part- 271 #crafts #diy #craft #homemade #homedecor #crafting #craftideas #easycrafts #easydiy #diycrafts #art #usa #canada #uk #australia #europe | DIY Art Style
435K views · 3.9K reactions | Creative Diy Crafts Ideas 🤩 Part- 271 #crafts #diy #craft #homemade #homedecor #crafting #craftideas #easycrafts #easydiy #diycrafts #art #usa #canada #uk #australia #europe | DIY Art Style