Bugs / Insects

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Educación de Calidad, Idiomas, Biografías o Curiosidades afines
An amazing insect with a human face. A sap-sucking pentatomid bug. Photo by Darlyne-A-Murawski.
Feather Horned Beetle with Long Bushy 'Eyebrows'(Rhipicera femorata) by thefeaturedcreature: Males use their fantastic (hah!) antennae to locate a female feather-horned beetle that’s emitting pheromones which indicate she is ready for mating. Photo by ron_and_beth #Insects #Australia
The Physical Impossibility of Living in Something Dead
scarab beetles
F . o . x . e . a . r
untitled by Carolina Domínguez Ratto on Flickr.
Thopeutica (Wallacedela) hirofumii
Noelito Flow
Lucanus cervus // Stag Beetle #NoelitoFlow please repin & like ,https://www.twitter,com/noelitoflow Más
Ceratophyus polyceros Pallas, 1771 (Geotrupidae) - атлас жуков-землероев России
Ceratophyus polyceros Pallas, 1771
Coleóptero. Qué perfecta y hermosa es la naturaleza!
Pachyrrhynchus moniliferus <--- I saw this and thought it was a fabulous beetle ready to party