
120 Pins
The Great Ideaz
Learn How To Build A Smokehouse With This Awesome Project! from Smoking Meat Forum user Nick from Texas,
20 Stunning Chicken Coops Design Ideas For Your Lovely Birds - The Poultry Guide
Check out this amazing chicken condo from Frugal Gardening and Outdoor Living!
Arquitetos desenvolvem sistema inteligente de captação de água da chuva
Em algumas cidades do Brasil a água já é um bem escasso. E isso tem muito mais relação com a maneira como usamos este recurso do que com a falta de chuvas. Mas a utilização de um sistema de captação de água da chuva pode ser uma ótima solução para esse problema. Pensando nisso, os arquitetos Uli Zens e João Pedro David, do Incriat�...
22 Genius Ways To Use Stock Tanks & Galvanized Tubs - Homestead & Survival
Use Stock Tanks 22 Genius Ways | Here are 22 creative, practical, and cost-effective ways to use stock tanks and galvanized tubs around the home and garden.
DIY Plastic Bottle Chick Feeder
DIY Plastic Bottle Chick Feeder - Made from two soda plastic bottles, simple diy project.
DIY Chicken Feeder from 5 Gallon Bucket | Cheap DIY Chicken Feeder
DIY chicken water and feeder from 5-gallon buckets Only $1 EACH!! The ones at the feed store this size are 50-60 dollars!
Estrategias Ganadoras para Apuestas Deportivas
Easy DIY automatic chicken feeder for only $3.80 versus $30 Retail. Follow as we raise 15 chickens on our city farm. How to budget and money saving tips. For a Step by Step Tutorial Read More Here:
18 Cheap & Easy DIY Greenhouse -- FREE Build Tutorials
This is a great way to re use old plastic food grade buckets to feed your chickens in. You can feed baby chicks out of flat troughs but, once they’re six to eight weeks old, you’ll need an automatic feeder for them. If you were to buy a feeder, a cheaper one could set you back …
Gardening Tips to Grow Tomatoes Harvest In Containers
Grow Tomato Upside Down in Bucket Instructions - Gardening Tips to Grow Tomatoes In Containers
Make your own No-Waste Feeder
Make your own No-Waste Feeder - If you own chickens, ducks, fowl or geese, even turkeys, you know they are very wasteful creatures, they…
Sunday Chicken Treats - Chickens are a Gateway Animal
1.6k4411If you’re anything like us, you long to move all your animals to a 100% organic diet featuring nutrient rich, non GMO ingredients but your budget has other ideas… This is the situation we’ve found ourselves in. Every time we go to the feed store I inspect the organic chicken feed but invariably we grab …
Hoop Style Chicken Tractor #chickens #homestead More