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Age of Diesel
D-Rad motorcycle Taxi….In the late 1920s in Berlin, hailing a cab would likely have resulted in one of these cool Motax-Droschken or D-Rad motorcycle taxis showing up. Deutsches Rad Werke built 180 of the Motax-Droschken exclusively for the Berlin market to counter the high cost of traditional automotive taxi service. The D-Rads could transport a single passenger for half the cost of the car. It was however cost that doomed the D-Rads as their maintenance costs proved to high.
Finalmente estão prontas… que venha a próxima!
Olha aí uns 4 anos de trabalho e aprendizado. Agora estou no terceiro projeto de uma moto com motor e complexidade bem maior.
Going full throttle at 76, the motorbike champion with one eye, an artificial hip and a pacemaker
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