
210 Pins
A lubricating roller for your bike-chain that lets you ‘grease with ease’ - Yanko Design
From multiple EuroBike Award winning designers, the FLECTR LUBRI DISC is a sponge-applicator for lubricating bike chains. It works, in principle, a lot like a foam roller does while painting. The sponge soaks up and holds onto the lubricant, and comes with an outer shell that you grip as you hold the LUBRI DISC against your bike chains. Gently press the microporous roller down against the chains as you manually rotate. BUY NOW!
Paul Smith Clothing - Mercian
Paul Smith/Mercian Tour bike. This is where Makers meet Designer. "For me - it is a bit over done, but I know many will go for this - you perhaps?" - Bicycle MAKERS
Lug porn
Lug porn - Page 2 - London Fixed-gear and Single-speed
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