
288 Pins
[Japanese designs] : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
[Japanese designs] : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
L'ornato : vademecum per architetti, calligrafi, ceramisti ... pittori, scultori, ecc., 2732 motivi antichi e moderni ... : Garneri, Augusto : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Differents Portraitz pour les Serruriers nouuellement inuentez 1615. | Antoine Jacquard | V&A Explore The Collections
Etienne Carteron | Title Plate with Blackwork Motifs, Trophies and Grotesques, from a Series of Blackwork Prints for Goldsmiths' Work | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Giovanni Battista Costantini | Lozenge-shaped Pendant and Two Triangular Motifs in a Riverscape | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Giovanni Battista Costantini | Lozenge-shaped Pendant and Two Triangular Motifs in a Riverscape | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Hans de Bull | Blackwork Print with Five Ornament Motifs, a Pair of Butterflies and a Grotesque | The Metropolitan Museum of Art