Stones 'n' Rocks

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Demantoid crystals on calcite from Antetezambato, North Madagascar photo: Federico Pezzotta Amazing Geologist
e-Rocks Mineral Auctions - Fine Minerals & Mineral Specimens for sale
Gilmarite. El Guanaco Mine, Guanaco, Santa Catalina, Antofagasta Region, Chile Very good and rich specimen of blue-green gilmarite crystals in several vugs associated by pale green, globular conichalcite. Rare !
Carminite : PbFe3+2(AsO4)2(OH)2, Mimetite-Pyromorphite Series Les Montmins Mine, Échassières, Ébreuil, Allier, Auvergne, France Photo & collection Vessely
Internal structure of crystals and gems
Phosphosiderite - FePO4·2H2O --- Bull Moose Mine, Custer Co., South Dakota, USA
Re: The tricks of Christian Rewitzer to do micro photographs
Nealite / Lavrion, Greece
Talmessite.Colour: White, colorless, translucent pale green (nickelian), brownish pink (cobaltian).Type Locality: Talmessi Mine (Talmesi Mine; Telmessi Mine; Telmesi Mine), Anarak District, Nain County (Nayin County), Esfahan Province (Isfahan Province; Aspadana Province), Iran. Year of Discovery: 1960.
Spinel, MgAl2O4, group of crystals (1.41 mm). Collection & Photo Copyright © Chinellato Matteo
Cobaltaustinite, calcite /aac81/
Cobaltoaustinite on Calcite. From Aghbar mine, Bou Azzer, Morocco