
46 Pins
“Pendants sandblasted and painted, soon to be made into necklaces! #sandblast #etched #pendants #terrarusticadesign”
Heart Drilled Stone Key Chain - Neutral Colors: Gray, Brown, Silver
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Lake Superior beach stone Pendant by LakeSuperiorDrifting on Etsy More
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You are my Sunshine engraved stone gift ready to by sjengraving, $20.00
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Natural River Rock Necklace Engraved with Spiral by SandStudios, $15.00
Sunshine Necklace - Tiny PebbleGlyph(c) Pendent - Natural stone pendants by SJ-Engraving
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Hummingbird Stone Home decor by sjengraving on Etsy, $25.00 use with polymer clay to stamp the pattern