Window and Door Trim

14 Pins
Layered door and window trim molding - Sawdust Girl®
Bulking up the trim molding around your doors and windows isn't difficult or expensive and it makes a huge impact! Most builders don't spend money on trim around doors and windows. They might sp...
How to Add Decorative Trim to Door Frames
DIY: Adding Moulding to Door Frames | The Painted Hive
How to Build a Wainscoted Wall
I love wainscotting. It can change a simple room into something elegant and beautiful. Try painting it a different color for a modern look.
Doors For Builders Inc's Photos
Craftsman Style Home Interiors | Craftsman Style Custom Interior Wood Doors Custom Wood Interior Doors ...
Make easy farmhouse window trim with stock lumber! Funky Junk Interiors
window moulding parts / Make a farmhouse window - add window trim to beef up a plain window with no miter cuts in sight! via http://www.funk...
Home Decor Mix (Gallery of 25 photos)
Chalkboard Frame or Craftsman style door casings
New Doorways Say HELLO!
Burlap & Tin: New Doorways Say HELLO! /best tutorial so far on craftsman doors
Craftsman Window Trim Materials | Home Coming for
Craftsman Style Made Simple: Your DIY Guide to Window Trim
DIY Simple Craftsman Shaker Window & Door Trim by The DIY Mommy
New Trim Packages from True Built Home! - True Built Home
costal windows interior window trims | New Trim Packages from True Built Home!
craftsman style – Hammer Like a Girl
Would like all the interior doors to be knotty alder but with the style and trim of this simple craftsman.