
20 Pins
Így készül az igazi piacos lángos!
Így készül az igazi piacos lángos! - Két dolgot kell megjegyezni: Az élesztőt mindig langyos cukros vízzel futtassuk. Tehát nem tejet használunk! A másik, hogy olajos kézzel formázzuk a lángosokat. Sokan lisztezett gyúrótáblán készítik, ám a liszt az olajban könnyen megég! Hozzávalók: 1 kg liszt 5 dl langyos víz 1 csomag élesztő 1 kiskanál kristálycukor 2 kávéskanál só
Easy Recipes (@QuickEasyFoods) on X
5-Minute Peach Frozen Yogurt. Frozen peaches, plain yogurt, honey, and a little lemon juice..
No-Bake Key Lime Pie
No-Bake Key Lime Pie | This easy no-bake dessert recipe is made with only 6 ingredients. Perfect for summer entertaining!
31 Delicious Low-Carb Breakfasts For A Healthy New Year
| In need of a detox? Get your Teatox on with 10% off using our discount code 'Pinterest10' on X
Sweet Potato Fries
Sweet Potato Fries (Super Healthy!) These were great! Baked for about 40 minutes, flipping halfway through. Also used 1/8tsp of cayenne, per other recipes. 2 potatoes is good for 2 people
Buy Deca Durabolin: Unlocking Potential for Boosted Efficiency
Roasted Cauliflower-this is a favorite in my house. I skip the sauce and just eat the cauliflower by itself! Uses no oil, only cumin and salt! SO good.
Coconut Vanilla Pudding Pops
Coconut Vanilla Pudding Pops - easy and delicious homemade pudding pops made using coconut milk. Perfect summertime dessert! #silkcoconut #a...
Recipe By Photo
There are plenty of sweet treats that not only hit the spot, but are also close to guilt-free. Here are 10 healthy dessert ideas you can feel good about!