
50 Pins
This one kitchen ingredient can change your skin complexion drastically !
This one kitchen ingredient can change your skin complexion drastically ! Today I will tell you how can only lemon change your skin complexion drastically in just few months of time How to use lemon as face whitening moisturizer You will need Half tsp aloe vera gel Half tsp almond oil 1 tbsp lemon juice Mix them and use this mixture as face moisturizer in night …
Do this 20 minutes facial at home, you'll look 2 to 3 shades lighter than original skin color
Do this 20 minutes facial at home, you'll look 2 to 3 shades lighter than original skin color In this post I am going to share 2 skin lightening face pack that can give instant results in just 20 minutes and will remove all dark patches First pack For this you will need pineapple pulp, you will need 2-3 tbsp of this pulp Few drops of lemon Aloe vera gel – 1 tbsp …
YouTube: Zakia Chanell pinterest: elchocolategirl instagram: elchocolategirl Snapchat: elchocolategirl (Subscribe & follow to me loves❤️)
Applied this gel on my all dark spots and was totally surprised by results next morning, all of them disappeared from my face
Applied this gel on my all dark spots and was totally surprised by results next morning, all of them disappeared from my face Today I am going to share one remedy that is 100% natural and the combination of some unique ingredient that can remove dark spots, under eye dark circles from your face very fast. Believe me, this pastel will be like gel consistency, you have to apply this on affected area every night and let it …
⚠WARNING ⚠ @SheSoBoujie Pins are ALWAYS poppin. Give me my DAMN CREDIT or get BLOCKED.✨ #MyBeautyProductsTip