
Close up of the doodle ... love this beautiful Paste!!! Can't wait to play with it some more over the next few days with my henna pals! Can you guess who is coming to Vegas? ❤ #henna Mehndi #hennacones #hennacone #mehndicone #mehndicones #mendicones #hennaart #hennaartist #hennadesign #hennatattoo #hennalove #hennadoodle #doodle #mehndidesign
I’m grateful for my health and happiness (but I’m sure fed up of this cough!) ... watching Legends of the Fall with my hubby and dogs while i doodle. I wish i could be bothered to do something more substantial but I’m just doing drills really. My brain isn’t focused enough to put a full design together but that won’t stop me from picking up a henna cone. Now I’m about to treat myself to a lovely violet and rose tea, with hopes that i let go of this illness! What are you guys up to? #Henna #he...
The final result from the paste i mixed and coned live on instagram the last day! It’s pure golden magic! This is always the goal for me, the consistency that allows me to work at my best, and doesn’t hurt my hand (too stiff) and doesn’t melt (too wet). *insert deep sigh of contentment* .... #henna #mehndi #mehandi #mehendi #heena #henne #mendi #hennaart #hennaartist #mehndiart #mehndiartist #hennadesign #mehndidesign #hennalove #hennatattoo #mehnditattoo #hennacone #hennapaste #learnhenna #h...
Working on some new stuffs! This is a remixed leaf - almost the same but not quite! #henna #mehndi
Running with the theme of simple doodles.... remixed! Here’s a multi sided vine! Sometimes different looks cool! #henna #mehndi