
102 Pins
This is a fantastic use of the shutter speed. There is a lot of energy in this image both from the implied movement through blurring the surroundings and through the bright colors of the lush grasses and trees. The angles created in the handlebars move you around the image.
ignite light
Yet a few years young for the glass slippers...She knows the story. She knows there are years to fill before the Prince can find the slipper that slips from her foot, the one that leads him to her - 'his' Fairy Princess! She waits, wand in hand, dream intact!
Summer Spun.
Bottle Bell Photograph <3
Raini day
Colors shone with exceptional clarity in the rain. The ground was a deep black, the pine branches a brilliant green, the people wrapped in yellow looking like special spirits that were allowed to wander over the earth on rainy mornings only • Haruki Murakami, Norwegian Wood
Philadelphia 471 by Michael Penn Street Photography - This is a great image because of the contrast between the dangling phone and the blurred people in the background. It seems ironic that the phone is still and not swinging while the rest of the image is in motion.
Salten de alegría.
Salten de alegría. | 37 ideas fotográficas increíblemente divertidas con tu mejor amiga