Quilling <3

154 Pins
Quilled snowflake - Etsy Canada
Christmas Snowflake ornament 2.Paper quilling decoration
Узор на свадебном платье
Part 4 of 4---Картина панно рисунок Квиллинг Узор на свадебном платье Бумажные полосы фото 6
http://blog.naver.com/PostThumbnailView.nhn?blogId=paper6262&logNo=60129691617&categoryNo=18&parentCategoryNo=18... - a grouped images picture
Part 3 of 3---written directions on post---http://blog.naver.com/PostThumbnailView.nhn?blogId=paper6262&logNo=60129691617&categoryNo=18&parentCategoryNo=18
Quilled peacock - embroidery design inspired
DAYDREAMS: Quilled peacock - embroidery design inspired
Золотой шар + mini МК.
quilled flower tutorial
And you asked me what i want this year
paper quilled christmas tree and candle holder I wouldnt put the candle in it but I would put poupori