Vinyl records

45 Pins
How to Make Vinyl-Record Bookends Without Burning Your Delicate Craft Hands
DIY bookends made from old vinyl records
Coisas para se fazer com disco de vinil!
Coisas para se fazer com disco de vinil! | Artesanato & Humor de Mulher
Kreative Bastelideen mit Schallplatten, die leicht zu realisieren sind
Kreative Bastelideen mit Schallplatten, die leicht zu realisieren sind
Stencil art on vinyl
How to Make a Vinyl Record Bowl
A thrifty recycled project is to make a vinyl record into a bowl. Its easy and simple to do. You can store anything in them like fruit, candy,...
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The Stone Roses Framed Original Album Covers And Coasters By Vinyl Village
Vinyl Record CD Or Letter Rack