
504 Pins
6 Best DSLR Tripods for Photographers and Filmmakers
How to Use the Rule of Thirds Effortlessly. Find out how easy it really is at…
Curated by Famous BTS Magazine. Shared by/Photographer: @ziavey #famousbtsmag #famousbtsmagazine @famousbtsmagazine #bts #behindthescenes #fashionphotography
Яндекс Картинки: поиск изображений в интернете, поиск по изображению
You Don't Need a Great Studio Space to Shoot Great Portraits
You Don't Need a Great Studio Space to Shoot Great Portraits
Joyful Candle Spell
((Open Rp)) "It's pretty dark in here.." I think to myself as I open my bag to find some candles "Here's one.." I pull it out and light it with my finger. I let the candle float around me as I keep walking around. رةزي تضيئ الشمعات مع لونا في الظلام
Strobox Volume 4 (Softcover) by Janis Lanka | Blurb Books
Portrait photo and lighting setup with Strobe and Softbox by Mirel Kisic (1/200s, 11, ISO: 200)
"Girl Watching The Sunset With Her Dog" by Stocksy Contributor "Paff"
Girl watching the sunset with her dog by paff for Stocksy United
The Magical History of Halloween
Picture this. A bright moon is rising between layers of heavy black cloud illuminating trembling trees that loom out of the darkness, their branches reaching i
40 Cute & Sweet Engagement Photo and Poses Ideas | Deer Pearl Flowers
Sweet Engagement Photo and Poses Ideas /