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DecoMűhely - Kalmár Tímea- Christmas file holder
Among the colder, bluish-gray colored scrapbook papers, I found beautiful ones, of which I glued 1 piece each to the two sides of the holder, and painted the "spine" by mixing the colors of the Creamy Acrylic Paint set.🖌️🎨 I tried to match the pattern of the paper, so I used different stencils and prints to achieve the desired effect. Then I poured the house forms with white Rapid resin, which I painted with metallic Creamy Acrylic Paint, drybrushed with white and tinted with umber, then glued with Heavy Body Gel.🏘️ To reflect the cottage pattern on the side, I printed a pine tree, houses, and snowflakes on it in white, because only a flat pattern was possible here, otherwise the holders cannot be placed next to each other.🎄
FIERA CREATTIVA - CREATTIVA CHANNEL Sfera di Natale con fiori tridimensionali con Laura Mello
Un nuovo video corso dedicato alle decorazioni Natalizie con Laura Mello by La Maison Ninì. Realizzeremo una decorazione con la pasta ceramizzata e le polveri ceramiche, per trasformare una semplice sfera di vetro in una decorazione Shabby Chic per il nostro Natale. Scopri di più sul sito: https://www.fieracreattiva.it
Elevate your Christmas tree this year with handmade decorations! Here’s a wonderful example from @hameleons.lv - 3 decorations using just one “Winter Minis” rice paper, mixing and matching patterns and motives can help you achieve the most unique creations!! ⭐️
This may contain: a person holding a small box with flowers on it's lid in front of a lace doily
DIY Christmas Drum Ornament
Turn a tape roll leftover into a gorgeous Christmas drun ornament.