Gyurma fülbevalók

13 Pins
Etched Copper Earrings with Flower and Labradorite
Etched Copper Earrings with Flower and Labradorite by annemoorejewelry, via Flickr
Colorful Earrings made from Pardo Translucent Art Clay
Colorful Earrings made from Pardo Translucent Art Clay, via Flickr.
Explore hélènevanhamme's photos on Flickr. hélènevanhamme has uploaded 268 photos to Flickr.
Leather Earrings Geometric Layers taupe & Persimmon | Etsy
Leather Earrings Geometric Layers Taupe & ♥ by OnceAgainSam on Etsy, $14.00
Earrings made with translucent polymer clay tinted with alcohol inks - The Blue Bottle Tree
Blue tone squares cascade earrings made from Pardo translucent polymer clay and alcohol inks.