
14 Pins
Sashiko scrap bag
sashiko patchwork scraps bag
40+ Free Baby Quilt Patterns
Free baby quilt patterns - good to have on hand
Quilted pouch and bag + Cathedral window quilt bag
Ulla's Quilt World: Quilted pouch and bag + Cathedral window quilt bag; using the "fake" cathedral windows method... I am thinking I may try this method with my wools, solid circle with the plaid centers. Will pin it when I get far enough along to get a photo.
Inspiration + Resources
Turn Hexies in to Herringbones... Herringbone Haul-It-All Tote with Jelly RollsTutorial on the Moda Bake Shop.
Baby Quilts, Inspiration and Fabric Patterns! {Reality Daydream}
TONS of quilt ideas and inspiration! {Sawdust and Embryos}
Easy quilt pattern and so sweet! Jan Harbuck, I might be able to handle this one.
Half Hexagons Quilt
love this, better than doing the hexs one at a time! What a time saver!
[3x6] Sampler Quilt Mini Bee - 2nd Quarter Hive 18
Modern NY Beauty Blocks
More variations of tangle Can T, by Chris Titus, CZT. Zentangle.
Lone Star Bed Quilt
Lone Star Bed Quilt - Diamond shapes with 1in white in between. Lovely. E-triangle border
Pretty black cat themed cushion. With the red and the pink and the heart motif, it would make a great accent for Valentine's Day or of course all year long.
[3x6] Sampler Quilt Mini Bee - 2nd Quarter
Modern NY Beauty Block