
123 Pins
"my art"-charmingly antiquated
sam, 23, currently in florence, italy. creator of the webcomic GRANTED. sometimes I draw stuff!...
Adorable Shark Puppy Comics Is The Best Thing You See Today - Comic & Webtoon
Adorable Shark Puppy Comics Is The Best Thing You See Today - 9GAG
Clearing out my phone - pt 7 - another comics dump
Clearing out my phone - pt 7 - another comics dump - Album on Imgur
Idk why but I am absolutely in love with this. ...You know what, I do know why; I feel like I know so much about her and yet am so curious about her just from these few frames.
The family business by emedeme on DeviantArt
The family business by emedeme on DeviantArt
We have let Liberty down - post
We have let Liberty down - Imgur