Classroom ideas :)

Some creative ideas for a better learning environment
207 Pins
Lesson 9 In truth, you can't teach children to behave better by making them feel worse. So, be a part of the ‘Construction Team’ rather than the ‘Wrecking Crew’—especially at home with those most dear to you! Lead with love, kindness, and by example, building them up rather than tearing them down. Remember that we are always teaching our kids and they become what we are—so be a positive role model for them (in both word and deed)! PASS IT ON.
Zöldséges kocsonya
MENTŐÖTLET - kreáció, újrahasznosítás: Gyors, finom, mutatós, olcsó étkek
LÁTNOTOK KELL! Kreatív csoportszobai dekorációk!
Erika+Muló "+Szeretném+megmutatni+a+legújabb+hobbimat,+az+újságpapírból+való+fonást,+annak+a+töredékét,+amit+az+ovisoknak+csináltam" Még+otthon+várják+az+ovit: