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Trend Alert: 11 Periodical-Style Shelves for Design Book Lovers - Remodelista
Steven Meisel Bookshelves, Photo by Roger Davies, from Architectural Digest
近境制作 2013 iF 傳達設計獎 唐忠漢設計師
近境制作 2013 iF 傳達設計獎 唐忠漢設計師
An Art Deco home in Coogee mixes old and new
"Sustainability was addressed by retaining an existing building rather than demolishing a re-building," says Madeleine. "New work was limited to make the building's adaptive re-use possible." | *Photography: Prue Ruscoe*
舉重若輕,岩棲谷隱 是行腳的歸途,是吐吶的收斂 透過光影、空間、材質的交疊, 凝結為身心回歸的空間儀式 隱沒 { 住宅空間設計案 } --- ...
Wall Art στη Βιβλιοθήκη
VM designblogg: Wall Art στη Βιβλιοθήκη
Gallery of La Casa of Paul & Sigi / MXMA Architecture & Design - 3
Gallery of La Casa of Paul & Sigi / MXMA Architecture & Design - 3
inspiration zone
Idea para el muro de rectangulos y espejos
DIY: Schiebetüren für IKEA Billy Regale selber machen
DIY Schiebetüren selber machen IKEA Hack Billy (7) Mehr