makramé ékszerek

270 Pins
This may contain: someone is making a beaded bracelet with yellow string and blue beads on the end
pulsera tejida weaving bracelet-плетение браслета سوار النسيج vefnaðararmband narukvica za tkanje직조
This may contain: a person is holding an object in their hand and it looks like they are spinning around
Watch Learn Try It Yourself
Watch, enjoy, learn and try for yourself. Get the tools used in the video through the Amazon direct link #weave #handmade #handmadecraft #diy #foryou #braidedrope video source channel wishrope on TikTok
This may contain: two hands are stitching red string with white pearls on them and the thread is being held by one hand
🔰 PULSERA DE HILO CON OJO DE TIGRE ☮✌ ʙᴏʜᴏ​ #8 | Easy Tiger Eye Bracelet | DIY Macramé