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Jogo das letras do nome
Ideia de atividade de sucção lúdica e divertida para estimular e treinar a musculatura da face, a fala, respiração, alfabeto e reconhecimento do próprio nome.🔤🤩 Professora quer ter acesso à planejamentos anuais editáveis em Word de acordo com os códigos da BNCC? Temos planejamentos do berçário ao 9º ano!🎯 CORRE LÁ NO LINK NA BIO! #autista #tea #educacaoinfantil #educacaoinclusiva #pedagogiaporamor #musicalizacaoinfantil #pedagogia #professoreducacaoinfantil Reposted from @etkinlik.esma
two children playing with hoop balls on a basketball court in front of a school game day sign
Preschool Game Day - Field Day Games for Kids
hula hoop ball at preschool game day
two ears of corn on the ground with one ear still attached to it's end
Játékok a kukoricával, őszi kreatív ötetek gyerekeknek
Kukorica torony
an american flag is hanging on the side of a house with balls in front of it
This game is fun! Hang a length of fabric on a line and cut holes of different sizes so that kids shoot through them with different sized balls.
two plates sitting on top of a wooden floor next to plants and rocks in the grass
MENTŐÖTLET - kreáció, újrahasznosítás
MENTŐÖTLET - kreáció, újrahasznosítás: lépegető
a cell phone holder made out of rolled up toilet paper rolls on a wooden table
DIY recycled phone holder
Easy DIY Phone Holder tutorial - Re-purposing is all about creativity! Check out this Easy DIY Phone Holder, a fun and easy organization project to reuse and recycle those toilet paper rolls and a great gift idea!
an easy ducky craft for kids to make with construction paper and glue on the bottom
Footprint Duck Craft for Kids
Footprint Duck Craft for Kids - Super cute rubber ducky art project. -Repinned by
a poster with different types of fingerprints on it
Odciski palców - EXAMPLE.PL - dajemy dobry przykład !
Fingerprints into art
there are many buttons with different shapes and sizes on them, all in bright colors
Create With Kids: Make Your Own Bottle Top Stamps
Bottle caps + foam stickers= instant stamps. If i can find foam stickers
an empty white box sitting on top of a green table
How to make a simple paper frame
Inna's Creations: How to make a simple paper frame
a person wearing pink shoes and yellow socks standing on top of a tin can pole | The official home for all things Disney
hand made stilts - Google Search
the instructions for how to sew an origami purse
Purse kraft tex fabric tutorial
Coin purse made from Kraft-Tex paper. DIY tutorial in pictures.
dices and cards are laying on the table
Error 404 - Page Not Found – Imperfect Homemaking
DIY Backgammon Board...this would be nice for kids b/c I have a real nice leather & velvet backgammon set I don't want torn apart
an image of a toy shark with its mouth open and toothbrushes in it's mouth
EL MUNDO DEL RECICLAJE: DIY Recicla una botella de plástico para jugar
a green butterfly with gears and wheels on it's wings is featured in this image
Eugena Topina
polymer clay steampunk and filigree butterfly tutorial - Eugena 777 is incredibly talented and there's an awful lot of gorgeous stuff on this site