
22 Pins
像这样大大小小堆砌的家具设计已经是见惯不惊,不过这样的设计手法确实是屡试不爽。这位设计师倒是将这个样的设计手法发扬光大,并且打破常规,通常是横向,这里是纵向,通常是由大到小,这里是由小到大。很有意思且实用的设计。 - 堆糖 发现生活_收集美好_分享图片
Gorgeous Design Wood Coffee Table - Gift Ideas - Creative Spotting
Gorgeous Design Wood Coffee Table Architecture + Interiors Design
瑞典设计师Tove Greitz设计的隐藏凳,也是一个储物箱,不过要打开它,可得正确移动这些小木块哦。
RYNTOVT DESIGN: We love this effect, integrating live edges into joinery. Bring some Glamping into your home with style.
Faux Card Catalog Cabinet - Bower Power
Last Friday was Earth Day! And what better way to celebrate but by recycling a thrift store cabinet into an amazing piece of furniture with loads of storage! We live crazy far away from the city (like they don't even check car emissions out here!) and sometimes we all need a reminder that we...
Expedit into Card Catalog Apothecary Cabinet
impressive ikea expedit card catalogue hack.