Kert ötletek

21 Pins
A creative, low cost way to deal with a cracking driveway. First you widen the cracks a little, then add reinforcincing rebar and concrete, top with rocks and morter in the stones. Great inexpensive solution to and expensive replacement!
DIY fire pit.. 8 cinder blocks-$1.45 ea, 8 cement caps-$.95 ea., 2 bags lava rock-$2.75 ea., optional 1 ft.x 1 ft.square pavers-$3-ish. Level ground, set blocks tightly, pour in lava rocks, cover block openings with caps. Add pavers. Viola! Done.
Building A DIY Wire Trellis
Learn how to build a wire trellis with this DIY weekend project. This trellis is great for any climbing vegetables, grapes and even roses! #gardening #diy #trellis #grapes via @earthfoodandfire
Create a Stellar Raised Garden Bed with Bricks
How to Build: Nice idea for a red brick accent in the yard.