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Northern Exposure / DROPS 205-2 - Free knitting patterns by DROPS Design
Northern Exposure / DROPS 205-2 - Free knitting patterns by DROPS Design
Crochet Curvy Crochet Cowl Pullover Sweater Free Crochet Patterns - Video
Curvy Crochet Cowl Pullover Sweater Free Crochet Patterns - 6 years kids
Perlestykke Pullover - Knitting Pattern #boys #pullover #knitting #pattern #boyspulloverknittingpattern Photos above © PixenDk What beautiful knitting sweater/pullover! I found it on Ravelry... This charming, Pullover features an elegant textured front yoke and thoughtful, understated details. It was inspired by the poetic Japanese tradition of Hanami; sitting under cherry-blossom-covered trees in the Spring, and observing the fragile blossoms being softly carried away by the breeze. Full Post:
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