
60 Pins
30 Construction Fails That Are Unbelievably Stupid – Part1 - Architecture & Design
As you scroll through these ridiculous construction fails we can guarantee the same thoughts will cross your minds as they did ours…. what on earth were these people thinking? Surely if they made a mistake during building they would have to start over again and get it right? You would think so, wouldn’t you? The …
Why Women Live Longer Than Men In 50 Pics
Why Women Live Longer Than Men In 10+ Pics | Bored Panda
32 Leute, die sich nicht für Details interessieren
Der Mensch, der dieses Geländer montierte. | 32 Leute, die sich nicht für Details interessieren
21 People Who Shouldn't Be Trusted With a Tool Belt
"Oh, it'll be fine!", said the man about to claim the 2014 Darwin Award
20 Construction Flubs That Take Shoddy Workmanship To A Whole New Level
20 Construction Flubs That Take Shoddy Workmanship To A Whole New Level... where design and ability should have met... and well... Ummm... clearly did NOT... somebody missed the boat!!!
21 Of The Most WTF Handyman Fails
The 21 Worst Handymen In The World
Bilderparade Archive
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21 Of The Most WTF Handyman Fails
This very useful sink. | The 21 Worst Handymen In The World
Kann man wenigstens nicht seitlich runterfallen!
Kann man wenigstens nicht seitlich runterfallen! | Lustige Bilder, Sprüche, Witze, echt lustig
33 Architects Who Completely Screwed Up Their One Job
The architect who totally thinks you can get through there if you just duck or something. | 33 Architects Who Completely Screwed Up Their One Job
Die 23 schlimmsten Handwerker der Welt
Das hier ist auch eher so die mittelbeste Position für eine Heizung. | Die 23 schlimmsten Handwerker der Welt