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Мама для мам: Пониматика. 6-7 лет. Математика - это легко!
пониматика 6-7 лет.page041 (510x700, 220Kb)
3 Math Routines to Build Number Sense
discover 3 math routines to build number sense in your classrooms
Montamos en nuestro patio instalaciones para jugar y divertirse
instalaciones para jugar y divertirse (33)
Math Centers and an Addition Freebie for First Grade - Susan Jones
I have been on a math kick lately. I think it is because my kids are strugglingggg with basic math concepts lately and it’s killin’ me! We have been learning addition strategies and practicing addition within 20 for two weeks now and my class has just started to pick up their momentum. They are …
My Teaching Pal
Numbers to 100 worksheet for first grade. Fill in the missing numbers to 100. This Fall Kindergarten Math and Literacy Worksheet Pack features 58 NO PREP worksheets. The pack includes a number of diverse activities relating to spelling, digraphs, short vowels, long vowels, CVC words, blends, punctuation, nouns, adjectives, verbs, number order, counting, data/graphing, number sense, addition, subtraction, place value, shapes, halves, word problems and so much more!!
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die Hürde über den Zehner
so habe ich es jetzt versucht und hoffe, dass es für manche Kinder so zum Vertiefen und Üben übersichtlich aufgebaut ist... LG Gil...
die Rechenblätter zum Minusrechnen mit ZÜ
Lernstübchen: die Rechenblätter zum Minusrechnen mit ZÜ
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Adding 2 digit numbers using number bonds to 10
Мобильный LiveInternet
Мобильный LiveInternet Я УЧУСЬ СЧИТАТЬ 1 класс | Ksu11111 - Дневник Ксю11111 |