Mamau Birth

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Evidence on: Eating and Drinking during Labor
People have the human right to decide if they would like to eat or drink during labor, or not. Hospital policy is not binding on patients, including birthing people, and hospitals do not have the legal authority to prevent a laboring person from eating and drinking if they so choose. It is not evidence-based practice to allow opinions to restrict people’s autonomy just because evidence from credible studies is not available and in fact, we do have quite a bit of evidence on this topic.
The Best Way to Reduce Tearing During Labor is To Get Off Your Back!
Breathing for pain relief during labor - Evidence Based Birth®
Breathing for pain relief during labor - Evidence Based Birth®
Evidence on: Induction for Gestational Diabetes - Evidence Based Birth®
Evidence on: Induction for Gestational Diabetes - Evidence Based Birth®
EBB 128 - Inducing Labor with Castor Oil and Dates - Evidence Based Birth®
Natural Labor Induction Series: Eating Dates - Evidence Based Birth®
Inducing Labour: What To Do If You Have An "Overdue Baby" — Ecofeminist Mama
If your low-risk pregnancy has gone over 40 weeks and you are being told that inducing labour is the only option for your so-called "overdue baby", make sure you read this first. Fully referenced and evidence-based information on inducing labour. #inductionlabor #inductionlabortips #inductionlaboravoid #avoidinductionlabor #howtoavoidinduction #avoidinginduction #avoidinginductionlabor #avoidinduction #howtoavoidaninduction #tipstoavoidinductions #waystoavoidinduction #risksofinduction #brain
Evidence on: Inducing for Due Dates - Evidence Based Birth®
Evidence on: Inducing for Due Dates - Evidence Based Birth®
Music for Pain Relief During Labor - Evidence Based Birth®
Music for Pain Relief During Labor