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Aprenda tudo que precisa para criar Amigurumis Perfeitos que vendem muito! ✨
Muitas alunas estão colocando em prática as TÉCNICAS EXCLUSIVAS que estão aprendendo neste EXATO MOMENTO com Curso Amigurumi Na Prática. #amigurumi #croche #bordado #costura
How to close a hole in an Amigurumi piece, crochet video tutorial
If you wonder how to close a hole in an Amigurumi piece so you get a nice neat finish then you need to check out this crochet video tutorial. I will show you a quick way how to close off your Amigurumi toy like a 'pro'. :-) It's a simple crochet technique that I use in all of my free crochet Amigurumi animal patterns so why don't you check them out at www.cuddlystitchescraft.com #crochet #crochetvideos #crochettoys #amigurumi #crochetanimals
How to surface crochet for Amigurumi, crochet video tutorial
If you wonder how to create a nice decorative detail on your Amigurumi project then you need to check out this crochet video tutorial. I will show you an easy way how to surface crochet slip stitches for your Amigurumi. It's a simple crochet technique that I use in many of my free crochet Amigurumi animal patterns so why don't you check them out at www.cuddlystitchescraft.com #crochet #crochettechnique #crochettoys #amigurumi #crochetanimals
Learn how to crochet an invisible decrease for Amigurumi, video tutorial for beginners
Learn how to crochet an invisible decrease for Amigurumi and avoid having large gaps in your Amigurumi piece when decreasing. It's a simple crochet technique that I use in all of my free crochet Amigurumi animal patterns so why don't you check them out at www.cuddlystitchescraft.com #crochettechnique #crochetprojects #crochettoys #amigurumi #crochetanimals