
93 Pins
DIY Kissing Ball with Pine Cones - Crafts Unleashed
Need an alternative to the traditional winter wreath? This beautiful pine cone DIY kissing ball is the perfect option - we'll show you how to make your own!
Quilt artist, author, teacher, fabric designer
Workshops Paula Nadelstern - Quilt artist, author, teacher, fabric designer
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Bricoler des cocottes de pin en hiboux!
Bricoler des cocottes de pin en hiboux! - Bricolages - Des bricolages géniaux à réaliser avec vos enfants - Trucs et Bricolages - Fallait y penser !
55 Magical DIY Christmas Home Decorations
This is so cute anytime. Pinecone Owls - 20 Magical DIY Christmas Home Decorations You'll Want Right Now
No-Sew Sock Snowman Craft
DIY No-Sew Sock Snowman Craft for Kids and Grownups. Such a fun DIY Gift Idea
Pardon Our Dust
Christmas craft idea: Stringing pinecone ornaments with twine and burlap creates a rustic and beautiful holiday look. Click through to order your supplies online or get them at your nearest Home Depot store.
Pine Cone Decorating Ideas For The Holidays | Homesteading
pinecone ornaments - 20 Pine Cone Decorating Ideas For The Holidays | Christmas And Thanksgiving Crafts & Projects by Pioneer Settler at http://pioneersettler.com/pine-cone-decorating-ideas/