
306 Pins
Создаем текстильную брошь «Тюльпаны»: Мастер-Классы в журнале Ярмарки Мастеров
Создаем текстильную брошь «Тюльпаны» - Ярмарка Мастеров - ручная работа, handmade
Stitching Savvy
I absolutely love the many faces of embroidery! Everytime I pick up a needle and thread, I search my books and my brain for just the perfect...
엄마옷,엄마선물,40대여성의류,50대여성의류,생활한복,법복,... - #Fieltromanualidades #llaveros #Llaverosamigurumi #Llaveroscrochet #Llaverosdebisuteria #Llaverosdefieltro #Porcelanafría #엄마옷엄마선물40대여성의류50대여성의류생활한복법복
Pretty In Pink
She tucked some fiberfill into the yo yo to give it more dimension. The leaves are also gathered on a folded circle. Polka Dot Pineapple: Pretty In Pink
So Sweet It Makes My Teeth Hurt!
fabric yo yo flowers /would make a pretty hair band with some small ones…
This item is unavailable | Etsy
blue fascinator, yoyo flowers, satin, vintage Japanese millinery. peacock. $20,00, via Etsy.
Upcycled Jewellery | Helen Makes Things - Part 3
Layered buttons, wool tweed leaves - this might be a pin? Or brooch? Pic for inspiration.
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