Fabric Flowers

299 Pins
Craftsy.com | Express Your Creativity!
An easy, six-step tutorial to help you learn to make beautiful fabric flowers for your garments, accessories, home or wedding project!
Fabric Flower Tutorial
The House of Smiths - Home DIY Blog - Interior Decorating Blog - Decorating on a Budget Blog
Five Minute Fabric Flowers
An easy to follow fabric flower tutorial. Maybe a good road trip project to pass time!?
Fluffy Fabric Flower {Hello Summer}
Fluffy Fabric Flowers by Crafting in the Rain on iheartnaptime.com בלוג מקסים, כדאי לעיין.
A little distraction... I seem to be having an issue with those as of late... :) TUTORIAL HERE: blairpeter.typepad.com/weblog/2006/03/fabric_flowers.html
No-Sew Rolled Fabric Flower Baby Headband
Look at that so-cute-I-could-cry baby headband! I came across this picture at Post Road Vintage while surfing the web. She made the headband using an adorable no-sew Rolled Fabric Flower tutorial she found at My Sparkle. I asked the tute author, Danielle, to share the how-to with us so we could all make adorable baby... Read more »
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Заколки для волос из лент своими руками / Детские прически для девочек - на праздник, на каждый день. Цветы из ткани, из атласных лент, заколки для волос / Лунтики. Развиваем детей. Творчество и игрушки
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Silk Flower Brooch Pin Boho Chic Sari Silk by CalculatedFrenzies, $18.00