
513 Pins
✨Weaving coaster tutorial for beginners✨ If you find making basket is too much for you let's try this coaster first to get familiar with new weaving technique. Tools and materials you need: - scissors - knotting/cork board - pins - latch yarn hook or crochet hook - 10 x 3mm braided cords, each 50cm (0.5yd) - 1 x wrapping 3mm braided cord 5m (5.5yd) ✨Like and save this tutorial for future project. Let me know if you like it in the comment section 👇🏻 #macrame #macramecoaster #diycoaster #wea...
198K views · 5K reactions | Ez a pizzás csiga nem szokott hosszú életű lenni..🫣 Próbáljátok ki ti is!🥰 #pizza #pizzáscsiga #recept #food #csikybeatrix | By Csiky Beatrix | Facebook
1.4M views · 7K reactions | Craft your own cobra paracord survival bracelet DIY! 🌿🔗 | Craft your own cobra paracord survival bracelet DIY! 🌿🔗 | By MetDaan Creative | Facebook
This may contain: a person holding a cloth in front of a hanger
Descubra como produzir os melhores Macramê da sua região! CLIQUE AQUI.
This may contain: two hands holding yarn and some beads on a table
Curso completo
Aprenda passo a passo as principais técnicas para fazer diversas peças macramê.
2.6M views · 7.2K reactions | Craft your own cobra paracord survival bracelet DIY | - FUNNY VIDEOO ❤️😍 !! #m10 #ilove #facebook ❤️😍 #top #1 #trending #chatgpt #Olimpia #chatgpt #BingChilling #Real #BingChilling #visselkobe #barcelona... | By Creative SmartFacebook