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a living room filled with furniture and lots of toys
3 gyerekre 2 gyerekszoba - Nemiskacat
A házunk nappali+3 szoba, amiből egyet elbitoroltunk mi szülők hálószoba ürügyén, és a költözéskor kettőt berendeztünk gyerekszobának, így ebből gazdálkodunk. 3 gyerekre 2 szoba: egy gyerekjátszó és egy gyerekháló. Gyerekjátszó a ház bal felén, gyerekháló a fürdőszoba mellett a folyósóról nyílva, mellette a szülői háló.
three bottles of soap and other cleaning products in a kitchen sink under a faucet
3 Time-Saving Kitchen Hacks You Need to Know
Let's be honest: we could all use a little help in the kitchen, especially if it means saving time. With all the joy that the kitchen brings, it seems that we're spending more time cleaning, organizing, and searching, than we are nomming. We should all change that. Here are 3 of our favorite time-saving kitchen tricks of the trade.
a cake that has been cut into pieces
A foodhack with dental floss.
Use dental floss to cut soft foods. Works like a charm.
a dirty metal bowl sitting on top of a counter
The Ultimate DIY Guide to Cleaning Burnt Pots and Pans
The ultimate guide to cleaning burnt pots and pans.
a handwritten recipe for cooking with blue ink
Are Your Cleaning Products Really "Clean?" - Recipes to Help You Clean
Going Natural: Recipes for Green Cleaning
an orange cord is attached to a wooden box
The RunnerDuck Extension Cord Holder, step by step instructions.
Extension Cord Holder
three pictures showing how to clean the interior of a car with an orange towel and toothbrush
Toothpaste helps get rid of scuffs.
Toothpaste helps get rid of scuffs. | 21 Insanely Clever Tricks To Vastly Improve Your Car
an old cast iron skillet is left on the ground next to a frying pan
55+ Must-Read Cleaning Tips & Tricks
55 Must-Read Cleaning Tips and Tricks
Almaecetes tapasszal egész éjjel borogasd, reggelre bebarnul, 3-5 nap múlvasimán leesik. Short Cuts, Remedies For Skin, Remove Skin Tags, Home Remedies For Skin, Skin Tags, Health And Beauty Tips, Health Remedies, Natural Healing, Herbal Remedies
How To Remove Skin Tags With Apple Cider Vinegar
Almaecetes tapasszal egész éjjel borogasd, reggelre bebarnul, 3-5 nap múlvasimán leesik.
24 tips from real parents for cleaning up art messes with children Real Parents, Messy Play, Hope Is, Tried And True, Art Classroom, Teaching Art, Art Tips
24 Tips for Cleaning up Art Messes with Children - TinkerLab
24 tips from real parents for cleaning up art messes with children
a bottle of baking soda next to an unopened box of baking soda with the words unclog your drains naturally
Unclog Your Drains with Baking Soda and Vinegar ~ Natural Cleaning Trick - Mom 4 Real
Natural Cleaning Tip - Unclog Drains with Baking Soda and Vinegar