
13 Pins
Maquillaje de Ojos Ahumados con Paso a Paso, Perfecto ¡y en Minutos!
Maquillaje de ojos ahumados rápido y sencillo de hacer.
Mothership II: Sublime Eyeshadow Palette
#PMGHowTo : Metallic gold cat eye makeup tutorial — featuring the Pat McGrath Labs MOTHERSHIP II: Sublime Eye Palette paired with PERMA PRECISION LIQUID EYELINER. Discover the collection at PATMcGRATH.COM and @sephora. This gorgeous glittery gold eye makeup look is perfect for events, holidays, and weddings. #makeuptutorial #eyemakeuphowto #videotutorial #goldmakeup #cateyehowto
15 Tips y trucos de maquillaje para este otoño que definitivamente tienes que probar
chica sombras verde labio rosa
Choosing the Right Eye Shadow for Gray Eyes - More
Choosing the Right Eye Shadow for Gray Eyes - wow, almost just like mine, only more gray!
Bronze Eye Makeup really great makeup ...try it :)
Sexy eye make up #make up #idea Beauty & Personal Care - Makeup - Eyes - Eyeshadow - eye makeup -
My Big Wing created with My Tiny Liner @mykitco by @jamesmolloymakeupartist I painted with @meltcosm - katiejanehughes
My Big Wing created with My Tiny Liner @mykitco by @jamesmolloymakeupartist I painted with @meltcosmetics black shadow and a hint of @maccosmetics dazzle shadows