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Horse Hay Feeders | USA Built Horse Feeders | Farmco
Tired of wasting hay? Try a hay saver feeder from Farmco Horse Feeders, like the 610H model! It's designed to accommodate round bales and save you money!
Idea for pallet pens ~ great as holding pens for mamas and babies, injured small livestock or any that need to be isolated for any reason.
NameBright - Domain Expired
good idea for feeder in barn for ewes More
Photo Storage
Sarah Delhotal uploaded this image to 'farmphotos'. See the album on Photobucket.
This is a great box for adding whole bales of peanut hay for the goat ladies.
Устройство козей мини-фермы,фермы.
Made some pig feeders today so I can feed the pigs from outside the pen.
Made some pig feeders today so I can feed the pigs from outside the pen.
Add enough gatorade to goats water to change the color of the water..this is great to entice your goat to drink more water especially if the goat has scours.