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20 ways to use old windows
So many creative ways to use old tires! Number 5 is SO cool - I want to do it!
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Hey Sara! I tried messaging you... My acne has cleared up a ton. Check it out Let me know what you think.
Transform Your Old Toys Into This Ultra-Cool Action Figure Lamp -
When you just can't let go of these toys especially your beloved action figures, might as well upcycle them to something more useful. Here's a project that will surely be a new favorite. See video and written instructions here ==> | | Transform Your Old Toys Into This Ultra-Cool Action Figure Lamp
Floral & faded wood tutorial - using napkins! (plus how to make a fire-pit table)
decoupaging wood with napkins
Polaroid camera birthday card. Made from
Knutsel eens een tafelvoetbalspel in elkaar (ideaal voor Vaderdag!) (Villa Appelzee)
Het is bijna EK en het is bijna Vaderdag... dat leken ons hier bij Villa Appelzee twee goede redenen voor liefhebbende kinderen om aan het knutselen te slaan en zelf een cool tafelvoetbalspel in elkaa
11 idées DIY cools à tester d'urgence
11 idées DIY cools à tester d’urgence | Astuces de filles
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Wine and Chocolate pineapple. No instructions but pretty easy to figure out from pictures. Cool idea!
52 Creative Gift Wrapping Ideas
DIY Gift Wrapping Ideas - How To Wrap A Present - Tutorials, Cool Ideas and Instructions | Cute Gift Wrap Ideas for Christmas, Birthdays and Holidays | Tips for Bows and Creative Wrapping Papers | Matchbox-Suitcase-Gift-Wrap|