
19 Pins
MY DIY | Triangle Cement Airplant Holder - I SPY DIY
MY DIY | Triangle Cement Airplant Holder | I SPY DIY
Upcylce broken wine glass. – LOOK WHAT I MADE ...
Concrete Garden Projects Planters & Stepping Stones - Garden Therapy
DIY concrete planters
DIY Tutorial - Concrete Planters Made From Containers in Your Recycle Bin
25+ Concrete Projects for Home Decor
16 Cement DIY Home Decor Projects
34 Cool and Modern DIY Concrete Projects
34 Cool and Modern DIY Concrete Projects
DIY: Cement Candleholders | Centsational Style
DIY: Cement Candleholders (could also use this idea to make planters)
The Intersection of Design & Motherhood | Top Lifestyle Blog | Design Mom
DIY Cement Candleholders | Design Mom
Aktuelle Nachrichten
Mit Beton und PET-Flaschen lassen sich wunderschöne Kerzenständer formen. Wir zeigen euch, wie es geht. #DIY #doityourself #tutorial #decoration #interior #beton #kerzenstaender