Furniture makeovers

95 Pins
Justice League Inspired DC Comics Craft Projects
Just when I'm set on making his room a safari theme I see this and I'm drawn back to a superhero theme!! Each drawer has a superhero on it. This one consists of Wonder Woman, Superman, Batman, Aquaman, Green Lantern, and the Flash.
Vintage Bedroom Decor Accessories and Ideas - Home Tree Atlas
Vintage Bedroom Decor Accessories and Ideas
Decora tu dormitorio con estilo Shabby Chic
Shabby chic style white bedroom with gray and white linens on the bed
Shabby Chic Drawer Knobs | shopswell
Shabby Chic Drawer Knobs
How to create a Cinderella shabby girl looking dresser
How to create a Cinderella shabby girl looking dresser
Romantic curio Boudoir, Shabby blue gray "Toits de Paris", Corset and feminine accessories, miniature house furniture in 1:12th scale
Romantic curio Boudoir, Shabby blue gray "Toits de Paris", Corset and feminine…