Betti bujo

112 Pins
Close up on gratitude log and some important thoughts. 🤗
On the left my simple 'best moments I want to remember' one-line section for this month for everyday. I like to keep it the simplest…
Close up of my monthly habit tracker. It says ' baby steps, everyday' . But I'm afraid my steps are too baby this time, kinda newborn-…
Minimal habit tracker for august. 🌿 Have you travelled this month or just going to? Where? I'm really curious about your plans for the last…
What changes do you have in your bujo this month compared to last month? This is my August monthly calendar. I have added a 'not scheduled…
Finally august spreads are ready - actually I have already started to fill them, so my spreads will be half-after-the-pen but maybe it's…
The current weekly view in my bujo. I use this layout when I want to stay organized and focused on my goals, especially during exams…
weekly layout april bullet journal minimalist