Engine 2 diet

32 Pins
Un bol poke végétalien coloré avec quinoa, laitue romaine, edamame, carottes, concombre, tofu fumé, betteraves marinées et chou et vinaigrette crémeuse aux arachides
How to Build Muscle with a Plant-Based Diet
Eating a plant-based diet can fuel your workouts and help you build muscles, providing you eat enough of the right plant-based foods. #plantbased #plantbaseddiet #weightlifting #fitness #exercise #health #healthyeating #healthyfoods #vegan #vegetarian
7 Easy Intermittent Fasting Tips to Speed Up Intermittent Fasting Results!
In this post So What IF? with Jen will share 7 HOT intermittent fasting tips for fast weight loss. These tips helped me lose 46 Pounds in 4 Months! Maximize your weight loss results with these 7 hot intermittent fasting tips. From breaking your fast with apple cider vinegar (ACV) to mixing up your intermittent fasting schedule, learn how to effectively implement these 7 effective tips in combination with this popular dieting technique for fast and sustainable weight loss. Start your intermittent fasting journey today!