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YOGA SEQUENCE TO LOTUS POSE: I tore my ACL in 2009, got it reconstructed & lotus was just out of the question. After almost 3 years of practice I can now do lotus comfortably & hands free. Takes a lot of patience & dedication but here are my tips to opening your hips for lotus. Please warm up with Sun salutes Those extra stiff - foam roll too Times are just guidelines - 1. WIDE KNEE CHILD's POSE Think butt to heels, belly melts down, extension to the spine. One day your chin &am
YOGA SEQUENCE: STRETCH & STRENGTHEN TO FLOAT FORWARD 1. DOWN DOG Yes a full 5mins, find ur alignment & stick with it don't let your shoulders come forward even though they feel like dying, down dog foundation is EVERYTHING 2. CHILD POSE Cause you deserve it after a 5min down dog & gives you time to relax your shoulders, do other shoulder stretches if needed 3. PLANK That's 3 sets of 30s or hold for 1min, find your alignment & try not to move when holding 4. CHAIR POSE Because jumping forwa...
#ProductOfPatience #SurvivedErica Adidas influencer Singapore @yoga.lab ericatenggarayoga@gmail.com ⬇️ Practice at home
YOGA SEQUENCE: TITTIBHASANA / FIREFLY POSE WARM UP: Sun salutations A & B x5 each google if unsure 1. MALASANA 10mins If 10mins is not possible then do less, this applies to the whole sequence 2. LIZARD POSE 2mins Like warrior 1 legs with heels hip width & go as low as you can to open the hips 3. PYRAMID POSE 1min Shorten the stance slightly from lizard pose and straighten the front leg, fold inside the leg if elbows touch down lift front ball of foot 4. PRASARITA PADOTANASANA 1min I intend...
YOGA SEQUENCE: One Legged King Pigeon or Eka Pada Raja Kapotasana 40mins WARM UP: DONT SKIP IT - previous post "back bending warm up: Chandra Namaskar" under #productofpatiencesequence 1. EXTENDED PUPPY Keep elbows shoulder width So good for thoracic & shoulders 2. LOW LUNGE Opening the quads will take stress out of the lower back, so low lunge is essential 3. REVERSE LOW LUNGE This will twist the spine as well as stretch the side body which will aid in making back bends much easier 4. R...
Sweaty Summer Power Yoga Flow
A sweaty summer yoga flow to strengthen and stretch. Down Dog, Right Side Three Point, Cheetah, Three Point, Twisted Cheetah, Three Point,…
COLETTE BARRY | Founder Barry Method & Wall Yoga, Business Strategist| Udemy
Take Yoga to a whole new level with "Wall Yoga" by Colette. See our Virtual Classes! Visit our site.
YOGA SEQUENCE FOR BINDING/TIGHT SHOULDERS: Binding was once the bane of my yoga practice, it is now just about bearable, here is what I do to open up my deltoids Warm up: Sun Salutation A/B x5 each YouTube if unsure 1. ARM ROTATION 10x Take a towel or strap, hold it with tension & arms straight, bring the arms up & behind you then reverse without bending the elbows, widen grip as necessary, this will warm up the shoulders 2. ACTIVE DELTOID STRETCH Quite self explanatory simple but effective ...
How to Flip the Grip in Dancer's Pose with a Strap — YOGABYCANDACE
There's still time to get a little sunshine in your life at the Miami yoga retreat! Get in touch now! This is for all my bendy people who are working on full dancer's pose.
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Good afternoon, yinsters! The following sequence is a full body flow with lots of incorporated options to utilize your strap. Recently, I have noticed the use of yoga props has somehow become a bit...
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Good afternoon, yinsters! The following sequence is a full body flow with lots of incorporated options to utilize your strap. Recently, I have noticed the use of yoga props has somehow become a bit...
A great way to become more flexible, but I've noticed it also helps to open myself up and get me ready for the day!