
115 Pins
Fashion Forward Zipper Bracelet | FabDIY
This one requires a bit of skill to make it look absolutely flawless...
55 Creative Handmade Accessories for Girls To Flaunt At All Occasions
Beads In Zip Stitched Handmade Bracelet
Upcycle: Zipper Bracelet ...
What a cool bracelet!! all from an old zipper...and really...who Doesn't have Tons of these around the house!! :):
Questo articolo non è disponibile. | Etsy
Al giorno doggi ognuno indossa bracciali. Pezzi singoli, multi pezzi... impilate e ganged per ottenere quel look fresco. MA tutti hanno lo stesso aspetto. Poi arriva questo braccialetto fatto a mano unico con uno stile e raffinatezza urbana. Ispirato dal mio amore per cerniere, questo pezzo è realizzato con una cerniera che è stata smontata e cucita insieme con un filo di perle in mezzo. I dettagli includono cucitura a mano, chiusura lampo di denti doro, perle di vetro e moschettone oro. Qu...
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Unique handmade bracelet with an urban finesse and style. Inspired by my love for zippers, this piece is made using one zipper which has been disassembled and sewn together with a strand of beads in between. Details include hand stitching, gold teeth zipper, glass beads and gold lobster clasp.
Что можно сделать из молнии-9
Pulsera con cremallera de latón Uno Dos Tres - Etsy México
Zipper Bracelet
Zipper Bracelet, White and Silver With Heart, Zip Bracelet, Zipper Jewelry, Upcycled, Repurposed - Etsy
Zipper Bracelet White and Silver with Heart by JustKJewellery, £12.00
Black and Brass Zipper Wrap Bracelet - Etsy
Black and Brass Zipper Wrap Bracelet by ArtologieDesigns on Etsy, $25.00
DIY: Pulseras fáciles y originales
Secretosdechicas VIP
Another Way to do a Leather Wrap
If I ever stop being a lazy piece of shit maybe I'll do this
Think Outside the Bin
Someone got her @heartsdotcom zipper bracelet in the mail today! #eco #fashion #conscious